
Professional development

Training, the secret to success that lasts over time

Our success is based on the passion of our people and the attention they devote to our customers.
This is why we have always given priority to our human resources and their professional development. We are convinced that investing in the training and advancement of people is the right solution to maximize professional growth and continuous improvement.

We believe in the enhancement of our talents, in the growth of collective know-how as a means of creating shared value. This shared know-how and knowledge are an important responsibility that we take to the next generations, with the aim of building the foundations of the future.

Training to enhance value

Valuing people means giving them the opportunity to express their talent and so have a positive impact on the world. It also means taking care of them throughout their career path, investing in skills development and enriching their knowledge-based wealth.

Our success is linked to our people, their growth and the sharing of our corporate culture. To enhance this connection, we focus on the development of technical, relational, environmental and safety issues skills, offering everyone equal growth opportunities.

Our training areas

Hard skills
Environment, Health and Safety
Soft skills
D&I and Code of Ethics

Training courses to cultivate all talents

We want those who join Guala Closures to feel part of a shared project, with both personal and Group objectives.

We offer training, development and learning courses for all employees aimed at strengthening the necessary skills to be successful and motivated.

There are many formats designed to ensure tangible results in order to offer employees all the opportunities to express their potential.

Classroom lessons
Coaching / Shadowing Programs
Individual programs

(on digital platforms and/or at external institutions)

Job rotation at national and international level

To meet the needs of our people and offer a valuable, unique experience, we offer – both to junior and senior profiles - specific training courses for our new hires as well as more established employees.
We believe that training should already begin in schools and, in particular, we give students the opportunity to put into practice the skills they have acquired.

Specifically, we offer:

  • for high schools: work-school alternate courses, company visits
  • for universities: curricular internships and research for theses within the company
  • for recent graduates: extracurricular internships, PhD courses, job opportunities

Guala Closures Academy

Enhancing our people talents

Guala Closures' strategic plan is based on maintaining its market leadership, increasing profitability and expanding its business by creating long-term value.

Among the various pillars of the strategy, there is a focus on human resources and talent that is embodied in the Guala Closures Academy, a set of educational programs at the service of employees under the guidance of Group experts and training professionals.

Focus on people

Employee welfare

For us it is essential that every employee has the right opportunities and support to express their potential, in a safe and respectful workplace, where they feel heard and valued at every level. That's why we promote a  "work-life balance" policy, for a correct balance between professional and private life, always maintaining attention to their needs and staying updated on trends and social needs evolution.

For this reason, we have put in place tools aimed at supporting those needs related to life harmonization.