Efficiency, fairness and transparency
Our governance system is guided by a set of rules, principles and processes that aim to ensure business efficiency, security and to facilitate the disclosure of clear and complete information. Its primary objective is to protect all shareholders, ensuring them fair and proper management of company information and business
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors plays a central role within the corporate organization and is responsible for strategic and organizational guidelines, as well as verifying and monitoring the effective performance of the Group.
Board of Statutory Auditors
The members of the Board of Statutory Auditors remain in office for a term of three years and can be re-elected. Their term ends on the date of the shareholders' meeting called to approve the financial statements in the third year of their mandate.
Audit firm
PwC S.p.A.
Supervisory Body
For reports to the Supervisory Body write to the following email address: odvgualaclosures@gmail.com
Company documents
The fundamental principles, rules, policies and documents governing the operation of the Group.